(sounds like; san narel ssell va)
Origin: Las Isabellas, El Salvador
ROAST LEVEL 2 out of 5
BODY 3 out of 5
SWEETNESS 4 out of 5
ACIDITY 2 out of 5
Coffee was first produced in El Salvador back in the 1700s, and became commercially produced from the 1850s. The Apaneca - Ilamatepec Mountain range where our growers produce the finest Bourbon and Pacamara plants thanks to rich volcanic soils, which are famous in this part of the world.
Sourced by people who look to be consistently sustainable, our beans are roasted here in the U.K and every bean we sell helps support the Rainforest Alliance's and its partner groups. Who are carrying out to protect coffee forests through education, with the aim to reforest El Imposible, the first national park of El Salvador.
Our Single Origin Beans tell unique stories from their names...
SANAR – Translated from Spanish, meaning to heal, SANAR represents all the Salvadorans who have worked relentlessly through strife and hardship to become a seriously established coffee growing country. Thus, contributing to a healthier economy and a better way of life for all involved in our coffee bean production.
SELVA – In Spanish means Jungle or Rainforest, and it recognises those who work alongside us with our coffee charities in El Salvador trying to combat the water crisis which tears this beautiful country apart. When managed correctly, coffee farms can help restore natural resources and provide ample amounts of quality drinking water for rural communities. Along with this, the reintroduction of forests and jungle type vegetation is crucial for water filtration and balance. As with many aspects of nature, one simply cannot continue without the other.
Grown in volcanic soil as high up as 1500 metres above sea level. The Sanar El Selva coffee has a typical citrus tone and a strong plum palatableness. Lightly roasted, it has a milk chocolate consistency and a with a muted acidity, it provides the perfect balance.
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